Fortunes of Faerie
A bard flashes through the combat, a stained-glass rapier clasped in one hand. In an instant, the blade shifts, transforming into an elegant quill, scribing the name of an enemy in glowing letters in the air.
As the gourd lantern is lit by the diminutive figure, the group of adventurers find their minds clouded, their steps muddled. As more lantern-lit pictsies close in from the bog, the group find their hands heavy and weapons weak…
Within the pages of this supplement, you’ll find 25 new fey-themed magic items based on fey creatures and myths, some familiar and others more obscure. If you want to bring some of the nebulous magic of the fey to 5e, this supplement (and its sibling supplement Fragments of Faerie) is the one for you!
Fragments of Faerie
The fey lord stands tall, grinning, as the group of adventurers draw closer, swords held out in front. His eyes darken and his face falls, however, when he recognises the cold iron of their blades…
As the adventurer falls, a shrill shriek fills the air as the bottle on their belt uncorks, the banshee trapped within flying into a frenzy to defend the fallen warrior.
Inside this volume you’ll find 6 new fey-themed magic items based on fey creatures and myths, some familiar and others more obscure. If you want to bring some of the nebulous magic of the fey to 5e, this supplement (and its sibling supplement Fortunes of Faerie) is the one for you!
These supplements were derived from my dislike of how fey are handled in D&D 5e. Every creature in 5e is a bundle of hitpoints and no mystery, and that's fundamentally at odds with how I think about fey. Fey to me should be unknowable, follow rules you can barely comprehend but expect you to know.
I didn't want to make monsters, primarily because I didn't think I could solve the fundamental problem, so I instead opted for magic items. I did some research and came up with a total of 30, split between the two books. I could definitely have made more - fey lore is so diverse and interesting and I barely scratched the surface.
What I said at the time
The video these supplements were first released with