This was made as part of the 36-word RPG Jam, and was designed as a bookmark.
There are two versions of the game: a redacted one, which is 36 words in length, and an un-redacted one, which is significantly longer. For the basic experience of playing, only read the redacted version. If you want to change how you view the game, and only then, read the unredacted version.
I've also include a "True" redacted version, where even by selecting and copying all the text into another program, it remains redacted, for those who want to preserve the mystery.
I'd been working on several projects simultaneously when the 36-word jam began, so I wasn't sure if I would have time to make anything for it. I've a massive list of potential ideas, and this came from that list.
It includes a few ideas I've been mulling over for a while, particularly when it comes to my opinions on TTRPGs as a medium. I won't go into too much detail in order to allow the game to speak for itself. It is only 36 words, after all.